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How do I sign my Rental Terms and Conditions?

Instructions on signing and managing your EquipmentShare rental terms and conditions document.

Breanne Cassidy avatar
Written by Breanne Cassidy
Updated over a week ago

EquipmentShare rental customers must sign a Terms and Conditions at the company level. If there are any updates to the Terms and Conditions, a new one will be delivered via email to the authorized signer electronically for a signature.

Digitally Signing the EquipmentShare Terms and Conditions

  • From your inbox, you will see an email from DocuSign asking you to review and sign your EquipmentShare rental terms and conditions.

  • Open the email, select the Review Document button to begin reviewing the Terms and Conditions.

  • Check the box to agree to use electronic records and signatures.

    • Select the Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure link to read the full disclosure.

  • Select the Continue button.

  • Select Start to begin reviewing the document.

    • You are required to enter your Phone Number and Email address.

    • The Fax Number is optional.

  • Once you reach the bottom of the Terms and Conditions, select the Sign button.

    • Note: If you do not see a Sign box to complete your signature, please contact Customer Support or your Territory Account Manager.

  • If you haven't created a digital signature through DocuSign, you will be prompted to create one and select Adopt and Sign.

  • Select Finish when you are done.

  • You are done! 🎉

(Optional) If you would like to save a copy of your rental terms and conditions, enter a password to create a DocuSign login.

Signing a Hard Copy of Terms and Conditions

If you choose to sign a hard copy of the document, you must print the Terms and Conditions and upload the signed copy to the DocuSign system.

  • From the Terms and Conditions email you received from EquipmentShare, access DocuSign.

  • Select Other Actions in the top right.

  • Select Print & Sign.

  • Select the Upload option and then Continue.

  • Select the Download button.

    • The document will print a hard copy for you to sign. Scan the document into a digital format and upload it to your computer.

  • Once the document is digitally saved to your computer, select Return Document to upload the file.

  • Select Upload a File or drag and drop the document.

  • Select Finish to complete the upload.

Other Actions You Can Take

Within the Terms and Conditions document, you will have the option to Decline to Sign or Assign to Someone Else.

Decline to Sign

  • From the Terms and Conditions, select Other Actions in the top right.

  • Select Decline to Sign.

Assign to Someone Else

  • From the Terms and Conditions, select Other Actions in the top right.

  • Select Assign to Someone Else, and enter their name and email address (it does not need to be a T3 user or someone within your company).

  • You will receive an email with the confirmed action as well as the new signer will receive the Terms and Conditions to sign.

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