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Creating Alerts for Real-Time Fleet Updates

Instructions on how to set up alerts to receive notifications of fleet activity, fault codes, fuel level, geofence entry, speeding and more.

Breanne Cassidy avatar
Written by Breanne Cassidy
Updated over 2 months ago

Creating alerts on the assets you rent or own helps you better manage your job site utilization and productivity. Users with Manager and Owner-level security settings can log into T3 for their company and create SMS or email alerts with a few simple clicks.

Creating a New Alert

  • Log into the T3 Fleet web app.

  • Select Alerts from the left menu.

  • Select the Configure tab.

  • Select the Create rule button.

  • Complete all the fields on the Add Alert Rule form and select Save.


Alert Name: Enter a name for the alert.

Alert When

Alert Associations: Choose an Association to apply the created alert to the association now and in the future. For rental customers, any off-rented assets will no longer receive the alert.

Choose from the following options:

  • All Assets: Apply your alert rule to all assets you own or rent.

  • Asset: When selecting assets, you will be prompted to select various asset IDs within your fleet (whether owned or rented). The alert will apply to the assets you choose.

  • Asset Type: When selecting asset type, you will be prompted to choose an attachment, bucket, equipment, small tool, trailer, and vehicle. The alert will apply to the asset type within your owned or rented fleet.

  • Branch*: Select a branch for your company, and all owned assets within the proximity of the branch location will be monitored for the created alert.

  • Group*: Apply your alert rule to owned assets within an existing group(s). Can add multiple groups.

  • Purchase Order: Apply your alert rule to rental assets tied to a purchase order created on a rental order.

  • Assigned Rental Site: Aapply your alert rule by the assigned rental site on your rental order. This means the alert will apply to any rented assets and set them to the assigned rental site (job site location).

  • Geofence: Choose a company Geofence, and all assets (owned and rented) within the Geofence location perimeter will be monitored for the created alert. Once the asset leaves the Geofence, it will no longer have the alert. Important Note: If you choose Geofence as your alert condition, the Geofence association will not be available for selecting.

    * cannot apply to rental assets

Event: Choose which condition or circumstance you want to be alerted for the assets or Association selected. Some of the alerts will require you to set up threshold values for the alert type.

Choose from the following options:

  • Amount Over Posted Speed: Understand when a driver exceeds the posted speed limit within a company's fleet with the Amount Over Posted Speed alert.

  • Average Miles Per Gallon: Understand the average rate at which your asset uses fuel and make adjustments to your usage if the rate is too low with the Average Miles Per Gallon alert.

  • Asset Battery State of Charge: Know when your asset's battery charge has dropped with the Battery State of Charge alert, avoiding any service downtime.

  • Battery Voltage: Create a Battery Voltage alert and be notified when your voltage goes too high or too low, as indicated in your alert rule.

  • Bluetooth Low Battery: Set the Bluetooth Low Battery alert and be notified when the battery in your Bluetooth tracking device is low and requires replacing.

  • Coolant Level: Set the Coolant Level alert to receive a warning alert when the asset's fluid reaches the threshold percentage indicated in the alert rule.

  • Coolant Temperature: Maintaining an average coolant temperature is essential in avoiding overheating an asset. A Coolant Temperature alert will monitor your assets and notify the user once the threshold has been met.

  • Diesel Exhaust Fluid Level: When the DEF level is too low, it can cause an asset to shut down. Set the DEF level alert to be notified when reaching a % level that's too low for your fleet.

  • Diesel Particulate Filter Regen Status: Stay on top of your asset's diesel engine to ensure the Diesel Particulate Filter Regen status is operating as it should. Set this alert and indicate whether you'd like to be notified when the DPF status is 1, 2, or 3.

  • Fault Codes (Diagnostic Trouble Codes): Setting a Fault Code (DTC) alert will notify assigned users when a fault code is triggered for the asset providing awareness of when an asset requires servicing.

  • Fuel Level: Knowing when your asset’s fuel level is low is essential when you can’t physically be on the job site. No fuel means no productivity -- stay on top of it with the Fuel Level alert.

  • Geofence: Understand and be alerted when assets enter and exit a Geofence (job site) as established in T3. Create "Do Not Disturb" hours to control when you receive the alert notification.

  • Harsh Driving: Know when your operators are driving harshly by setting up alerts for aggressive acceleration, aggressive deceleration, hard left, hard right, and impact alerts. Stay safe on the road with this alert!

  • Idle Duration: Set an Idle Duration alert and stay in the know when your operators are sitting idle for the threshold you indicate.

  • Ignition Status: Set this alert to know when the asset has been ignited on or off.

  • Low Battery: Set a Low Battery alert to know when an asset's battery has dropped below a recommended level. The battery voltage rules automatically applied to the rule are: For a 12 voltage battery, the system will notify the user when the asset's battery has less than 10.5v. For a 24 voltage battery, the system will notify the user when the asset's battery has less than 22.5v.

  • Oil Pressure: Apply an Oil Pressure alert to your assets to be notified once your assets reach a certain PSI level.

  • Oil Temperature: Once selected, the Oil Temperature alert will allow you to indicate the temperature in Fahrenheit for monitoring your assets.

  • Outside Working Hours: Assign the Outside Working Hours alert to all assets, specific assets, types, groups, or branches. Select the workday days and timeframes. Once saved, the user will receive a notification anytime the assigned assets operate outside of the indicated workdays and timeframes. Meaning, a Manager or Owner can set multiple Outside Working Hours alerts to their assets for different days and timeframes based on their employee's schedule, providing complete flexibility and customization on the job site.

  • Speed: Enter an MPH value after selecting the Speed alert and be notified once your assets meet the MPH threshold.

  • Tracker Battery State of Charge: This alert will help you monitor your tracker device's battery charge. Set a threshold and be notified when it drops below the charge. This alert only applies to tracker devices GL500 and GL520.

  • Tracker Installed: Know when the tracking device within your asset is installed providing awareness and assurance that the asset is set up for usage on the Technology Platform.

  • Tracker Removed: Know when the tracking device within your asset is unplugged providing awareness so that you can immediately remedy the situation and not miss out on data.


Notify: Enter the T3 user's name to receive the alert. Select whether you'd like them to receive the alert via Email and/or SMS. Note: If the user has a preferred notification method specified on their Profile page, it will be selected as a default. It can be unchecked.

Continue to add users using the +Add Users option or remove by selecting the remove icon.

If you select SMS text, make sure you have a cell phone number on your profile page. For more information, see Setting up Alert Notification Preferences. A warning will display if the user has no cell phone number on file.

No one will be alerted if a user isn't assigned to receive the alert notification.

Notify Operator: Some alerts allow the operator to be notified. Examples include Fuel Level, Battery Level, Coolant Level, DEF Level, etc. If the alert allows the operator to be notified, a checkbox will display for selecting. The "Notify Operator" functionality only applies to users who access a machine with a keypad using a user-based keypad code.

Viewing Existing Alerts

Once saved, the alerts can be viewed, edited, or removed from the Configure Alerts table.

Review the individually assigned alerts from Asset Details.

Interested in getting started with T3's alerts solution? Find out more and request a demo.

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