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Viewing and Managing Camera Default Groups
Viewing and Managing Camera Default Groups

Instructions on how to create, edit, and manage camera groups.

Dominik Goyette avatar
Written by Dominik Goyette
Updated over a month ago

A Camera Group is a virtual container that organizes and manages Vehicles (Cameras), Drivers, and T3 User Access.

It is important to note that Group(s) in the Camera Section are NOT the same as Group(s) in the T3 Fleet web app. Additional Group(s) needed for the Camera Section must be created on the T3 Camera page and are not associated with Group(s) creation in the T3 Fleet. These Camera Group(s) are also NOT the same as Group(s) in T3 Analytics.

A Group allows you to categorize and associate assets based on specific criteria, making it easier to filter and monitor specific assets. In addition to enhanced organization, Groups are also used to manage access permissions, allowing only authorized users to view or interact with Vehicles. Customers can streamline asset management by grouping vehicles, drivers, and T3 access users and ensuring no unauthorized access.

Group management is available for owner-level access to the account. Owners can optionally grant Group Management permissions to other users via Vehicle Dashcam Users settings. This setup ensures that the Owner can fully control asset and account access.

For more information about T3 Camera page permissions, see Setting Up Permissions for T3 Dash Cam Visibility and Functionality.

How to Create a Camera Group

  • Begin by opening the Camera page in T3’s Fleet Web App.

  • Select the Group drop-down arrow menu (All Button) in the top left corner.

    • Note: This folder name next to the drop-down button will display the name of the Group/facility currently being viewed, so if the group has already been renamed or changed, it may not say all.

  • Select Options (Three Dots) and choose Create New Group.

  • Enter a Group Name and click Save.

Moving a Group into a Sub-Group (Optional)

  • Select the Group drop-down arrow.

  • Select Options (Three Dots) and Select Move this Group.

  • Select ALL folder next to the Group name.

  • Select the Group Type or Facilities drop-down arrow. In this example, we will use a Facility as the leading group.

  • Select the check mark next to Facility and select Move.

  • The newly created Group will now be under the selected Facility.

Assigning a Vehicle (Camera) to a Group

Why Should You Assign Vehicles to a Group?

  • It helps organize Vehicles for easier filtering and management. This allows a user to find relevant Vehicle information quickly.

  • Once Vehicles are added, this Group will serve as the foundation for access control. T3 Users added later to this specific Group, will only have visibility and access to Grouped assets. This ensures that only authorized users have access to only specific assets.

How to Assign a Vehicle to a Group

  • Enter the Settings menu (Cogwheel Logo).

  • Select Vehicles and choose a Camera to add to a Group.

  • Click Edit next to This Vehicle Is In The Following Groups.

  • Scroll down to Group Type, and then select the Group checkbox.

  • After selecting the check mark for the chosen Group, navigate to the bottom and click Select 2 Groups* at the bottom of the screen.

*While we only technically select 1 Group, it will show at the bottom that we are selecting 2, as the asset is locked to the main facility. The system counts its main locked facility as a group. Upon group assignments, it is not unusual to see the selected group counts as one number higher.

  • Select Save in the bottom right-hand corner of the Vehicle information screen.

  • To view the updated Group the Group in Groups Management (top left) and click Select.

  • Now, your view will be limited to the Updated Group view, which now includes the selected assets.

Assigning a Driver to a Group

Why Should You Assign a Driver to a Group?

Assigning a Driver to a Group is helpful for both filtering and monitoring Driver-specific information. This allows Managers and Driver Coaches to easily filter based on Drivers and not only Vehicles. As Drivers are not always assigned the same Vehicle, Groups created in this way can help effectively streamline monitoring Driver performance and aid with driver coaching.

How to Assign a Driver to a Group

  • Select the Settings menu.

  • Select Drivers and choose a Driver to add to a Group.

  • Select the Edit Button next to “This Driver Is In The Following Groups:”.

  • Scroll down to Group Type: and then select (checkbox) Group.

  • After selecting the check mark for the chosen Group, navigate to the bottom and click Select 2 Groups* at the bottom of the screen.

*Similar to adding a Vehicle to a group, the selected group count at the bottom will be one number higher as it considers the locked branch a “group”

  • Select Save in the bottom right-hand corner of the Vehicle information screen.

Assigning a T3 User to a Group (Permission Management)

Why Should You Assign a T3 User to a Group?

Assigning a T3 User to a Group is essential for controlling access to specific assets. When a T3 User is added to a specific group, they can only view the assets within that group, ensuring that access is restricted based on their role. Users can optionally be placed in more than one group at a time, however can only see the assets within those Groups.

How to Assign a T3 User to a Group

  • Enter the Settings menu (Cogwheel Logo).

  • Select Vehicle Dashcam Users and choose a User to add to a Group.

  • Select Groups drop-down arrow.

  • Select Edit Group Access.

  • Scroll down to Group Type: and then select (checkbox) Group.

  • After selecting the check mark for the chosen Group, navigate to the bottom and click Select 2 Groups* at the bottom of the screen.

*Same scenario as Driver assignment. The main facility is locked to the user/asset by default and is considered a group. The number of “selected groups” will be one number higher than what was chosen in the checkbox list.

  • Select Save in the bottom right-hand corner of the Vehicle Dash Users information screen.

Navigating and Filtering Group Views

  • Select the Group drop-down arrow menu (All Button) in the top left corner.

    • Note: This folder name next to the drop-down button will display the name of the group/facility currently being viewed, so if the user has already been assigned, it may say the name of the subgroup or group.

  • Select a Group and then click Select.

  • Once a Group has been chosen and selected, your view will now Filter to the specific Group chosen.

    • The Groups function does support an optional sub-group style of folder structure. For example, the Equipment Group selected could have more defined sub-groups of Dirt Moving, Excavators, and Grading. Each sub-group refines the User's view with even more detail.

  • To go back to the full view, select Group (in this case Equipment), choose All and click Select.

  • Full view will provide visibility for all Groups.

Assigning a Default Camera Group View

  • Navigate to the Camera tab on the left side of the main T3 page.

  • Select “All” next to the black folder icon.

  • Click which Group you want to see as the default view when going into the Camera tab.

  • Then click the three diagonal dots. When hovering, it will be labeled “Options”.

  • Select Set as Default Group.

  • There will be a green banner at the bottom of the page confirming that the Default Group was saved. This group will load by default when logging in.

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