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Managing Company Settings in T3

Instructions and an overview of the company settings available in T3 controlled by an Owner or Manager-level role.

Breanne Cassidy avatar
Written by Breanne Cassidy
Updated over a week ago

The company dashboard is where managers and owners can manage the various settings of their company's T3 platform.

  • From the T3 Fleet web app, select Company from the left menu.

You must have Owner or Manager-level permissions to access the Company dashboard.


The Users tab shows a table of every user with access to the Company’s fleet data. Here, Owners and Managers can view and edit user data and add new users.

The table displays the user’s name, email address, employee ID, phone and/or cell phone number, any Groups the user belongs to, and the user’s role or permissions level (Owner, Manager, or User). 

Owners and Managers can edit user roles after creating a new user by going to Actions under the User Role column, then selecting Edit. 

You can restrict users to read-only status or choose to hide asset details from the user when needed. Owners and Managers can delete a user’s account from this screen or the main Users table from the Actions dropdown menu.

For more information, see Adding Users to T3.


The Groups tab is where users can create groups by Users, Geofences, and Assets. Creating Groups helps organize employees, assets, and where they work. For example, if you have three business locations, you can create Groups of Users that work at each location or Groups of Assets stored or used at each location. For more information, see Creating a Group.

Since user-level roles do not have access to view assets, you can create a group with assets and users, and the users within the group will have access to view the assets.

A Group of Geofences might denote a group of job sites assigned to a field service technician or the multiple Geofences assigned to one asset.  

Under any of the three tables, you can choose an existing Group to add Users, Geofences, or Assets to that Group. 

Select Create group, name it, and save the Group to add Users, Geofences, or Assets to a new Group. 

Search and add items to the selected Group by clicking the blue plus (+) sign next to the User, Geofence, or Asset from the item list. Remove items from the Group by clicking the minus (-) sign under the Group list.


The Branches tab provides the ability to create various branch locations for organizing their business. Create a new branch and add essential details such as a Name, Phone Number, Branch Abbreviation, Description, Location (existing geofence/job sites), Cost Code, and Service & Sales Email.

Additionally, add employees to branches to better manage work, time, and costs at specific locations. Knowing this data at a branch level can identify gaps, improve efficiencies, and increase productivity. To learn more about how you can use Branches for managing an employee's time, see Getting Started with Time Cards.


Work also referred to as Jobs, Phases, and Cost Codes, helps users differentiate between projects, their locations, who worked on the various parts of each project, the hours worked on each project, and project costs. 

Managing Work 

The Work table gives top-level details for each Job: 

  • Name of the Job 

  • Job ID 

  • Job Phases

  • Cost Codes

  • Name of the Jobsite Geofence 

Job Phases can be used to refer to different zones or parts of the job site or work being done. Employees can choose a Job, a Work Order, a Phase, and applicable Cost Codes when they clock in using Time Cards. 

For example, on the Fox Hill School Job, Phases include School Parking Lot, School Playground Lot, and School Exterior. Employee clocks in with Time Cards and selects an assigned Work Order (WO) to pour concrete. He selects the Phase School Playground Lot since that’s where the concrete will be poured. Last, he’ll assign the Cost Code Concrete Work to his Time Card. This information gives you a complete picture of where time and money is spent on every project. To learn more about how you can use Jobs, Cost Codes, and Phases for managing an employee's time, see Getting Started with Time Cards.

Adding, Editing, and Deleting Work (Jobs) and Phases

You can add, edit or delete Work from the table, and manage Phases using the Add button within each row of the table. As with most tables in the platform, there’s an option for users to export Work data to a CSV. 

Managing Cost Codes 

Cost Codes can be used to classify different types of tasks done on a Job, like Concrete Work; Travel; Cleaning; Vehicle Repair, or Delivery. Click Edit from the table to make changes or delete a Cost Code. To learn more about how you can use Cost Codes for managing an employee's time, see Getting Started with Time Cards.


The Finances tab is where you can keep track of financial schedules for any purchased equipment. It will also provide Purchase Histories. A new schedule and lender can be added to the table using the buttons along the top right.


T3 is compatible with other AEMP-compliant OEM telematics solutions, allowing users to aggregate their fleet data into T3 using API feeds. New machines often come outfitted with OEM telematics and a free trial subscription period. Integration with T3 allows users to take advantage of their free trial while eliminating the need to install new hardware right away. 

Fleet managers no longer have to log into several different portals to access and collect data for each OEM machine. Instead, they can log into T3 and access data for every vehicle and machine from one telematics solution.

These are some of the feeds compliant with T3:

  • HiMate

  • Hyundai

  • Komtrax

  • VisionLink (CAT)

  • JDLink (John Deere)

  • Milwaukee One-Key

T3 also supports fuel card integrations for accurate fuel reports and IFTA reports:

  • Wright Express (WEX) fuel cards

  • Comdata fuel cards

Need to integrate OEM API, and fuel card feeds? Contact our Support team. If your telematics or fuel card data provider isn’t listed, Customer Support can help you resolve the issue.

Keypad Codes

The Keypad Codes tab shows users and the access code(s) assigned to each user. When customers sign up to use our technology, they'll be assigned Default keycodes to use on their rentals. You can use the Keycodes tab to manage and add new keycodes if you'd like.

Set up a User-Based Keycode by selecting a user and assigning a four to 10-digit numeric code. Click Actions in the main Keycodes table to delete a code.

A User-Based Keycode is better for security purposes: Users won’t have to share codes with others.

Use the configure tab to set up Keycode Rules which will auto-apply existing keycodes to a grouping of assets, based on your choosing.

For more information on keycodes, check out the Adding a Keycode to a User and an Asset article.


Under the Account tab, users can edit general information about their T3 account:

  • Timezone

    • Note: The Company Time Zone will display throughout T3 except for Employee Views in Time Cards web, showing the user's time zone as established under their profile.

  • Default Work Order and Inspection billing types

  • Manage failed Task List Items on Work Orders

  • Require Asset for Work Orders Creation

  • Manage Service Access

  • Service / E-Logs Integration

  • Company Service Documentation

  • Maintenance Groups

  • Rental Preference Settings

  • Warranties

  • Work Order Service tags

  • DOT numbers

Maintenance Groups

Maintenance Groups, also referred to as Service Groups, are made up of assets with the same maintenance service intervals. Users can edit existing Service Groups and change the Service Group names or add more service intervals. You can also create new Service Groups.

When creating a new Service Group or adding more service intervals, first select whether the Group or interval is utilization-based, time-based, or combined. 

  • Utilization-based intervals are set based on asset hours or mileage. Or example, a user might set a 500-hour service interval for a JLG boom lift. Every 500 hours of use, a Digital Work Order (DWO) would generate any asset in that Service Group. 

  • Time-based intervals are set based on periods of weeks or years. For example, a SANY excavator’s ANSI inspection might be triggered once a year. 

  • Setting a combination interval means that the interval and automatic DWO will trigger after either a utilization-based or a time-based interval. For example, a DWO will generate after 250 hours of use has been reached or after 16 weeks have passed, whichever happens first. 


Here, you can add warranties with a name, description, and length in months of the warranty. You can also edit existing warranties.

Service Tags

Service tags are used on Work Orders to show some general information about the WO from the main table.

Tags show just a few of the most important details about the WO. From this table, users can add new Service tags, give them a color, and edit existing tags. Some of the most common Service tags include:

  • Warranty

  • Parts ordered

  • ASAP 

  • Asset not at the yard

  • ANSI

DOT Numbers

Users with fleet vehicles requiring DOT numbers can add and delete those from their T3 account from this table. Click Add DOT Number to add a new DOT number, and optionally, add comments about the number.

Interested in getting started with T3's fleet management solution? Find out more and request a demo.

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