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Getting Started with T3 Time Cards

Details about T3's Time Cards web app and setup for your company.

Breanne Cassidy avatar
Written by Breanne Cassidy
Updated over 8 months ago


T3 Time Cards is an integrated way to track and manage employees' time, whether working in the field or in an office. In the Link mobile app, employees record their time for the day by clocking in, going on and off a break, and clocking out. In the Time Cards web app in T3, administrators and supervisors can manage their employees' time before sending it to HR for payroll purposes.

  • Employees may specify how they spend their time by selecting Work Orders, Branches, Work Codes, Assets, Notes, and/or Jobs.

    • Jobs are a way for a company to organize and track work. Work Orders can be assigned to a specific Job in addition to an employee’s Time Card. 

  • Administrators can view their employee's timesheets in T3's Time Cards.

  • Time Cards is integrated with E-Logs, meaning whether the time is recorded by a Driver through the E-Logs app or by a mechanic through Link, that time is reported and displayed as a Time Card in T3. 

    • Work events such as work orders or jobs can only be recorded against on-duty or clocked-in time. If a worker or driver is off duty or clocked out (including being on break), they cannot associate that time with a work event.

  • Recording of time is accurate down to the minute so that employees are not penalized for switching work independently of clock-in or out or switching their Duty Status in the case of E-Logs. This is also done to be mindful of employees who work over midnight. 

  • If location-sharing settings are enabled on the employee's smartphone device, the clocked-in entry will detect its location and display it in the T3 Time Cards web app and available for the administrator to review.

    • The logic in the Link mobile app will check the user's location behind the scenes throughout the day while they are clocked in. If the location has changed since the last check-in, it will be reported in the time entry. Otherwise, the location will not be reported.

    • The employee's location is only checked when the user is on the clock, not when taking a break or off the clock.

    • The accuracy of the location is based on the smartphone's location detection source. See the manufacturer's details for more information on your smartphone’s location.

What is a Work Event?

A key element of Time Cards is the ability for a worker to associate their on-duty or clocked-in time with specific work. When Clocking In from the Link mobile app, Employees and Drivers can associate their time to a Branch, Asset, Work Order, Job, or Work Code.

  • Branch -- An employee can be assigned to a branch through their Company settings. However, upon clocking in for the day, the employee can select a different branch.

  • Work Order -- An employee can also log time towards a Work Order. Work Orders are digital service tickets used by Service Technicians in the T3 Service dashboard.

  • Job -- A job is a container for work.

  • Assets - The asset the employee used for the day while working.

  • Work Code -- A work code is a cost code established by a company to account for the various labor costs.

Creating Work Events

The various Work Events an employee can assign their time towards are created in the Company settings in T3.


  • From T3, open the app drawer in the top navigation bar and select Fleet.

  • Select Company from the left menu.

  • Select Branches across the top.

  • Select the Create Branch button.

  • Complete all branch setup pages, including the option to add members to the branch.

  • Once saved, the employees within your company will have the ability to assign time to the branches.


  • From T3, open the app drawer in the top navigation bar and select Fleet.

  • Select Company from the left menu.

  • Select Work across the top.

  • Select the Add New Job button.

  • Complete the Job form, including any phases, codes, or geofences that correspond with the job.

  • Once saved, the Job will be available for assigning time.

Work Codes

  • From T3, open the app drawer in the top navigation bar and select Fleet.

  • Select Company from the left menu.

  • Select Work across the top.

  • Select Cost Codes.

  • Select the Add New button.

  • Complete the Cost Codes form.

  • Once saved, the Cost Code will be available as Work Codes for assigning time.

Enabling Access to Time Cards Web App and Settings

The T3 Time Cards web app is access-controlled and is intended for HR administrators and Supervisors who manage employees' recorded time. Therefore, it is controlled by a special setting. An Owner or Manager can enable other User-level, Manager-level, and Owner-level roles access to the Time Cards web and Settings through a Group.

Creating the Time Cards Access Groups

A Manager-level or Owner-level must first create the Group in T3.

  • Select Company from the left navigation menu in T3 Fleet.

  • Select Groups tab (at the top).

  • Select Create group.

  • Enter the Group Name as Time Card Admin and select Create group.

  • Select Create Group again and then create a second group named Time Cards Settings.

Adding Users to Time Card Admin Group for Accessing Time Cards Web

  • From the left menu of the T3 Fleet web app, select Company.

  • Access the Groups tab.

  • Locate the group, Time Card Admin and add the users by selecting the + icon next to their name.

  • Once you are done, select Save users to group.

Adding Users to Time Cards Settings Group for Accessing Time Cards Settings

The Time Cards Settings page is the main spot to control and update the company-level time card settings. These include setting the pay period, employee schedules, overtime rules, entry locking, and approval settings. The page is accessible in the T3 Time Cards web app but only by Managers or Owners who have been granted access.

As a Manager or Owner-level role, you can grant access to the Time Cards Settings page for other Managers or Owners in a few simple steps.

Once the Time Cards Settings group is saved, the user can access the Time Cards Settings page from the left menu of the Time Cards web app.

Schedules and Overtime Rules

Time Cards users can establish company work schedules and manage overtime hours rules in the Time Cards web app of T3. An admin creates various schedules and assigns them to their employees based on roles and responsibilities, allowing a company to identify and manage different work shifts.

Overtime rules are available for admins to assign employees based on how they accrue overtime hours. An employee can only be assigned one overtime rule; an employee cannot have several overtime rules. Any OT hours the employee accumulates will display on their time card.

Note: Employee schedules and Overtime Rules are optional features and not required to use Time Cards in T3.

Adding an Employee Schedule

  • From T3, select the app drawer icon from the top navigation bar.

  • Select the Time Cards browser app.

  • Select the Settings option from the left navigation.

  • From the Employee Schedules table, select Add New Schedule.

  • Complete the fields on the Schedule Details screen.

Assigning a Schedule to Employee

  • Access the Employee Schedule table by selecting Company > Time Cards.

  • Select a schedule from the table for adding employee(s).

  • Select the plus icon next to an employee from the Schedule Members list or type an employee's name in the search bar on the Schedule Details screen.

  • Click Save once completed.

Adding an Overtime Rule and Adding Members for Company

  • Access the Overtime Rules table on the Time Cards Settings page.

  • Click the Add Overtime Rules button to select OT Rules for your company.

  • From the list of OT rules, select which apply. And then Add members.

  • Once the members are added, click Save.

Assigning Schedule and Overtime Rule from User Profile

  • Select the Company option from the left navigation menu.

  • Select the Users tab.

  • From the Users table, select an employee and click Actions > Edit.

  • The Profile form will display any existing assigned Employee Schedules or OT Rules. Otherwise, select from the dropdown options of existing scheduled and OT rules to assign.

  • Click Save to save your changes.

Time Cards Security Settings

The security settings control when edits can occur to employees' recorded logs.

Locked Entries

To lock an employee's entries after a selected period, enable the Locked Entries are ON setting. For more information, see Enabling Locked Entries in Time Cards.

Approval Settings

Approval settings determine how the system responds when a revision occurs for recorded entries that are already approved.

  • Open approvals: Edits can be made to any timesheets, but it will no longer be Approved. (Default Setting)

    • When this setting is enabled, revisions are accepted after the time has been approved, and the system will automatically change the entry status from approved to unapproved.

    • Notification badges within Time Cards allow the approving manager to see when time entries have switched back to an unapproved state. These will display in the Notifications column of the time entry table and can be filtered for easy viewing.

  • Hybrid approvals. Edits to current timesheets will no longer be Approved; edits to previous pay period timesheets must be Unapproved first.

    • When this setting is enabled, revisions cannot be made to the approved time. To make edits, the manager will need to unapprove the time entry for the employee to make edits.

    • Any attempt to edit time entries with this setting enabled will see a warning message stating the action cannot be completed.

  • Closed approvals: Edits cannot be made to any timesheets without Unapproving it first.

    • When this setting is enabled, this setting combines the logic of the Soft and Hard approach. Employees can revise entries in the current pay period, and the status will change from approved to unapproved. However, the employee cannot change the entry if the revision is in a previous pay period.

    • Any attempt to edit time entries with this setting enabled will see a warning message stating the action cannot be completed.

Viewing Employee's Time Entries

  • Open the app drawer from the navigation bar across the top and select Time Cards.

  • Use the filters (select the Filters button) to narrow down and find what you need.

    • You may filter by Branch, Group, Employee, and Role (as assigned in T3). Advanced filters let you find employee entries based on Work Time, Overtime, Timesheet status, and Notifications. Any recorded time that doesn't match the selected filter will drop from the displayed results when applying filters.

  • Once the results are displayed, you can click on the employee to dive into their daily time entries.

  • Select a date.

  • The employee's Time Card will display.

For more information on how to use Time Cards, see the following articles:

Interested in getting started with T3's time-tracking solution? Find out more and request a demo.

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